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How to Review Findings

Learn about reviewing findings on RightHub

In RightHub, you can review findings in two different ways: Table View and Detail View. Both options provide a user-friendly interface to assess, handle, and take action on potential infringements. Below, we’ll explain the key features of each view and how to use them effectively.

Table View

The Table View offers a high-level overview of all findings, allowing you to quickly scan through multiple listings and see their essential details at a glance.

Features of Table View:

  • Quick Access to Information: Each row in the table displays key information such as the finding’s title, marketplace, country, price, and status.
  • Status Indicators: Easily spot findings marked as "Unhandled," "Processing," or "Removed" based on the status column.
  • Bulk Actions: You can select multiple findings and perform bulk actions, such as handling or enforcing them.
  • Filters: Use the filters to narrow down findings by status, country, or marketplace, making it easier to focus on specific cases.

How to Use:

  • Browse through the list to quickly assess findings.
  • Click on a specific finding for a more detailed review or use the "Handle" dropdown for quick actions.
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Detail View

The Detail View provides a more in-depth review of an individual finding, allowing you to see all related data and take specific actions, like initiate a finding for enforcement.

Features of Detail View:

  • Comprehensive Information: View all details about the finding, such as product images, descriptions, seller information, IP rights, country of origin, and price.
  • Activity Tab: Keep track of actions taken on the finding, including notes, enforcement activities, and status updates.
  • Enforcement Options: You can take enforcement actions directly from the Detail View by clicking the "Enforce" button, which initiates the process of filing a complaint.
  • Notes Section: Add any notes or comments relevant to the finding, providing context or instructions for your team.

How to Use:

  • Click on a finding in the Table View to open its Detail View.
  • Review the product images, seller information, and other relevant details.
  • If the finding requires enforcement, click "Enforce" to start the process.
  • Add notes if needed to track your thoughts or actions taken on the finding.
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RightHub’s Table View and Detail View provide you with flexibility in how you manage and review your findings. The Table View is ideal for quick assessments and bulk actions, while the Detail View allows for a deep dive into individual findings with more specific actions like enforcement and note-taking. Use both views to streamline your brand protection process and keep track of important findings efficiently.

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