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Marketplace Search

What is Marketplace Search?

Marketplace Search is a service that continuously monitors popular online marketplaces, such as Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba, to detect unauthorized use of a brand’s intellectual property. This includes identifying counterfeit products, trademark abuses, and other types of infringements that can harm a brand’s reputation and financial health.

How It Works:

The service scans multiple eCommerce platforms regularly to identify listings that may be selling counterfeit or unauthorized products under your brand’s name. Once potential infringements are detected, the findings are reviewed, and appropriate actions are initiated, which may include takedown requests, dismissal or further investigation.


  • Revenue Protection: By identifying and removing counterfeit products, brands can ensure that customers are purchasing genuine products, thus protecting their revenue streams.
  • Brand Integrity: Maintaining control over how your brand is represented on online marketplaces helps preserve the brand's reputation and ensures that customers associate your brand with quality.
  • Customer Trust: Ensuring that only legitimate products are available helps maintain consumer confidence and loyalty.


For example, an electronics brand used Marketplace Search to monitor major online platforms. The service identified and facilitated the removal of several counterfeit listings that were selling low-quality products under the brand’s name. This action not only protected the brand’s revenue but also prevented potential harm to the brand’s reputation, as customers were less likely to encounter fake products.

Trademark Watch

What is Trademark Watch?

Trademark Watch is a service that monitors newly published trademark applications globally, helping brands to quickly identify potential conflicts. This service is crucial for protecting your brand’s trademarks from being infringed or diluted by similar marks.

How It Works:

The service continuously scans trademark databases across different countries, identifying applications that may be confusingly similar to your registered trademarks. If a conflict is detected, an alert is sent so that the brand owner can take appropriate legal action, such as filing an opposition.


  • Global Trademark Protection: Ensures that your brand’s trademarks are protected across all relevant markets, preventing others from registering similar marks that could cause confusion.
  • Legal Risk Mitigation: Early detection of potential conflicts helps avoid costly legal disputes by allowing timely intervention.
  • Brand Identity Preservation: Protecting trademarks ensures that your brand retains its unique identity in the marketplace.


A multinational beverage company used Trademark Watch to monitor trademark applications in new markets they were entering. The service alerted them to a local business attempting to register a similar trademark, allowing the company to swiftly file an opposition and prevent potential brand confusion.

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