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Status Definitions

Learn about the different status of a finding

Understanding the Different Statuses for Findings

In the RightHub platform, every finding related to potential infringements follows a lifecycle, represented by different statuses. These statuses provide a clear indication of where the finding is in its lifespan, helping users understand the current stage of enforcement or review. Each status is designed to be self-explanatory and aligns with the state of the finding.


Here’s a breakdown of the key statuses and what each one means:


All findings start with the status "Unhandled". This means that no action has been taken on the finding yet, and it has not been reviewed or assessed. Essentially, it’s in a waiting state, ready for someone to take a closer look - either human or automation.


Once a finding is marked for enforcement, its status changes to "Initiated". This tells the user that enforcement has been initiated, but the actual complaint hasn’t been filed yet. A virtual computer, or analyst, will file complaints on all findings initiated for enforcement at least once pr. week.


After a complaint has been filed with the responsible third party, the finding status changes to "Processing". This indicates that the complaint is currently being handled by the third-party platform or entity. Importantly, for certain platforms, the finding may remain in “Processing” even after multiple complaints have been filed, especially if our team is actively disputing or resubmitting the case.


If the complaint is rejected by the third-party platform, the finding’s status changes to "Rejected". This means that the complaint(s) was not accepted, and no further enforcement will be pursued for this finding. On some platforms, rejections can be challenged by submitting another complaint, which may keep the status in “Processing” if further action is being taken.


The "Removed" status is assigned when a complaint is successfully resolved and the infringing content has been taken down. This may happen because the infringing listing went offline or because the offending elements (such as images or trademarks) were removed from the product listing, making it no longer infringing.

On Hold

"On Hold" is used when the finding has been acknowledged, but no immediate action is being taken. This status is often used when a user is uncertain about whether a finding should be removed and requires additional time to consult others or perform further investigation. It acts as a temporary parking spot while a decision is made.

Not Relevant

A finding is marked as "Not Relevant" when it does not align with the criteria of the search specification that produced it. For example, if the search was configured to find furniture but the result is for an unrelated product like apparel, it would be marked as not relevant.


"Authorised" means that the finding is from a legitimate, approved seller or distributor. This status indicates that the product being sold is allowed, and no enforcement actions will be taken against it. Additionally, if an entire seller is authorized, all their listings, both current and future, will automatically be considered authorized as well.


These statuses help ensure that users can easily track and understand the progress of each finding, from initial detection to enforcement or dismissal. Knowing where a finding stands in its lifecycle allows users to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions based on its current status.

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