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Understanding Quick Search Results

Learn about the results of Quick Search

Quick Search results for Nike Air Jordan
Quick Search results for Nike Air Jordan

Once your Quick Search results are displayed, it’s essential to understand how to make the most of them:

  1. Results from Major Platforms:
    1. The search targets key platforms like Made-in-China, Shopee, and the Alibaba Group. Each result will show a listing from these platforms that matches the search string you provided. The results will include key details like the product name, seller information, price, and a direct link to the listing.

  1. Identifying Potential Infringements:
    1. Carefully examine the product listings, images, and descriptions provided in the results. Look for the following indicators of potential infringement:

      • Unauthorized sellers: Are there sellers listing your product without authorization?
      • Counterfeit products: Are the listings using your product images or brand names but selling fake items?
      • Misuse of intellectual property: Does the listing include your brand name, logo, or copyrighted content without permission?
  1. Taking Action:
    1. Based on your review, you can decide the best course of action:

      • Investigate further: If a listing seems suspicious, visit the site to verify the details.
      • Contact the seller: If you believe the listing is unauthorized, you may want to reach out to the seller to request that they remove the product.
      • Use RightHub’s Enforcement Services: For a more formal response, consider using RightHub’s other brand protection tools to initiate complaints or takedowns of the infringing listings.

Pro Tip: If you're consistently finding unauthorized listings on a specific platform, consider using Marketplace Search for continuous monitoring and automatic enforcement actions.

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