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What is Marketplace Search?

Learn how to protect your brand on online marketplaces

In today's digital age, protecting your brand on online marketplaces is essential. With the rapid growth of eCommerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba, the threat of counterfeit products and unauthorized sellers has increased dramatically. These unauthorized activities can severely damage your brand’s reputation and financial health. Marketplace Search is a service designed to help brands monitor and effectively combat these threats.

Popular marketplaces around the world
Popular marketplaces around the world

What is Marketplace Search?

Marketplace Search is a specialized service that monitors eCommerce platforms for any listings that may infringe on your brand’s intellectual property. This includes detecting counterfeit products, trademark/copyright/design abuses, and unauthorized resellers. By regularly scanning popular online marketplaces, this service helps ensure that your brand is represented accurately and that only authorized sellers are distributing your products.

eBay search results
eBay search results

Why is Marketplace Search Important?

The rise of counterfeit goods and unauthorized sales on online platforms poses significant risks, including:

  • Revenue Loss: Unauthorized sellers often offer products at lower prices, diverting sales away from legitimate channels and cutting into your profits.
  • Brand Dilution: Counterfeit products are usually of lower quality, which can damage your brand’s reputation if customers mistakenly associate these products with your brand.
  • Legal Risks: Unauthorized use of your brand's trademarks can lead to complex and costly legal disputes if not addressed promptly.

Marketplace Search is an essential tool for monitoring online marketplaces, you can maintain control over how your brand is presented and sold online, preserving both your revenue and reputation.

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